NTC Hosting Blog

Zend Optimizer update for even faster performance of your PHP applications

It’s good to hear from our administrators that the Zend Optimizer tool has been updated to a newer version – 3.3.9. This change has been applied to all web hosting servers within the NTC Hosting network, including servers in the USA, the UK and Sweden.

What is the Zend Optimizer used for? Zend Optimizer is a key tool for PHP-based web applications, aimed at speeding up their overall performance from 40%-100%. It allows for files encoded with Zend Guard to be executed extremely fast, with guaranteed privacy for the original code.

If you want to use Zend Optimizer on your platform, you will need to activate it first. You can do that from the PHP Settings section of your Web Hosting Control Panel, using the On/Off radio button options. Also, your should make sure the APC (Alternative PHP Cache) is turned off.

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